Friday, January 19, 2024

Rabid Hair Jigs for 24

New for 2024 we are introducing 2 new hair jig colors "Perch" and "Shad" both are available in 1/8 & 1/4 ounce and boost 3 different layers of artic fox fur hair giving them an ultra-high-definition look under water while still keeping all the great benefits of our original hair jigs!

The Hair
Well, it isn’t called a hair jig for just any reason. There are dozens of types of hair, fur, or feathers that are typically used in crafting hair jigs. Most commonly you see them made with Marabou, bucktail, synthetics, zonker, or rabbit fur. Coming from a company that specializes in fur we have had the opportunity to test literally every material you could think of and there isn’t a material that we like better for a hair jig than artic fox fur. Here are some of the advantages that we’ve found with Fox over some of the other materials. The first being its body retention in the water. Unlike Marabou which can be very compacted in the water, fox fur maintains the majority of its size in the water without sacrificing action. It is also naturally buoyant and has a much slower fall rate than marabou or bucktail jigs. This allows you to throw it on a slightly heavier jig head and achieve longer casts. I will admit, the marabou jig has its time and place but you can be rest assured that I will have a fox fur jig tied on nearly every day of the year as its versatility is simply unmatched.

What makes the perfect hair jig

So, what is it that makes these Rabid Baits hair jigs just right? To fully understand that question we need to understand everything that goes into fishing a hair jig. In my personal experience and many top pros can agree that a hair jig needs to be thrown on a long moderate action rod with light line. Typically, when you pull your hair jig out the fish are in some type of funk, be it pre spawn, post spawn, or even in the winter months. These situations call for very long cast to get your bait out away from the boat. To obtain that you need a 7 foot to 7’6” spinning rod and really light line. I will typically throw a hair jig on 12lb braid down to a longer 30-foot 6lb fluorocarbon leader. With light line, long casts, and smallmouth you’re going to need a moderate action rod for better hook up ratios and to ensure they stay pinned!

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