Monday, November 14, 2011

What's Happening?

The last few weeks have a time of transition. All the major league tournament circuits have called it a year. Many of us have traded in our flipping stick for a tree stand and started headed into the deer woods instead of the lake. Depending on where you live, bass fishing is done. Tearfully we are getting out boat ready for winter storage; mine is going in at the end of the week. Spent the afternoon yesterday sorting lures and rigs from the bottom of tackle bags and storage compartments allowed me to reflect on a great year. Hopefully, the year was a great one for you.

What’s in store for in the next few months? It will be a busy time but at a leisurely pace. Personally, I have numerous articles on the go and need to sort out the photography for each article. So keep your eye peeled for some interesting stuff in Ontario OUT OF DOORS’s Fishing Annual.

It’s Alabama Time!
The Alabama rig is and will continue to be a red hot technique for the next few months. Most will not have a chance to use it this fall. The original rig is being fabricated day and night to meet demand and many other companies are trying to cash in on the action. On Saturday, I photographed a prototype of a new Alabama rig version that was going into production this week in China. It looks great and will be offered with a few versions to ensure it remains legal in the state or province you’re in.

I have also heard of another in production from a Chinese/Canadian company and that should be released in time for the winter fishing and boat shows. The buzz around these contraption is interesting. The recent trends has been finesse with the exception of Froggin,  yet almost everyone I have chatted with is willing to fork over the cash to give the Alabama rig a whirl.  One criticism I’ve encountered is that it seems barbaric compared to the resent desire for ultra realistic baits but the proof is in the pudding and the Alabama rig certainly quashed many a naysayer.

Except more on the Alabama rig in the near future.

New Lures
ICAST was a long time ago yet most of the baits still have not hit the local tackle shops. I’ll be focusing a few blog entries on 2012 trends. I’ll also try to give you the very best and most up-to-date info as many baits are coming to market. Last year’s BASS MASTER CLASSIC saw the launch of Berkley’s HAVOC line of baits. It is non-traditional to introduce a new line of baits outside of ICAST but Berkley did very well, so we might expect a something new again from them in February.

Keep in touch and I'll try my best to keep you up-dated.

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