Monday, October 27, 2014

Late Fall Fever

Biggest of the big lurk for the willing angler.
By Luigi De Rose 

Wind, cool temperatures and unwilling friends can make fishing in late fall difficult. The wind and lack of companionship kept me off the water this weekend and now I am kicking myself. Boating during this calendar period can be chilly but if you have the nerve and a warm jacket the rewards are worth it.
Here is friend David Chong with an amazing 8.2 pound Lake Simcoe giant. Dave only got a handful of bites but how can you complain when you net your personal best smallmouth.

For photos of Dave's big bass link over to's facebook page.

For more on how to catch record size smallmouth bass, sign up to BASS TALK. These seminars give you the best knowledge you'll find anywhere. For more information on BASS TALK jump to the links:

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