Thursday, March 23, 2017

Our 3 Picks to win the 2017 Bassmaster Classic’s picks to win the 2017 Bassmaster Classic on Lake Conroe.
By Luigi De Rose

Predicting the winner of any sporting event is a challenge. Usually, there are just two teams so the odds are far greater you’ll get it right even with a spread. At the 2017 Bassmaster Classic, 52 anglers have a chance at victory. Sure, some anglers are lucky to just be at the Classic but the skill ranges from great and peaks at superb. Picking a winner for Conroe is exceptionally more difficult as it very new lake of almost all the competitors. Plus, the Classic is being held in March, which is much later than the past few Classics. Past TTBC on Conroe were summer tournaments and that is a world of difference.

For what’s its worth, here are my picks to win the 2017 Classic.

Alton Jones
Texas angler, Alton Jones is a wizard with a Yum dinger this time of year. He already has one Classic win but always seem to excel during the spawn. In all three stages of the spawn, Alton knows how to catch them. Especially if the bass are in transition.  The last three Classics crowned a home state winner and the streak might continue with Jones.

Skeet Reese
With a Classic win on the Red River, a shallow, cover filled fishery, Skeet has the expertise to do well here. We won the 2015 Elite tournament on Lake Guntersville by scraping his pre-spawn pattern and targeting shallow wood on the final day to sack a 4-day total of 92-11lbs for the win. Skeet is strong this seasonal time period and doesn’t shy away when the monster bass are chomping. Not sure if he’s prowess with a swimbait will be a huge factor this weekend but Skeet is very versatile.

Dean Rojas
Dean was recently added to the list of top anglers yet to win a Classic. With several wins in Texas and a master at sight fishing he might get himself off that list this weekend. Dean is always a top finisher when the bass are shallow. He has shown now to catch them in a range on conditions. Best known for casting to beds or zipping a frog around shallow cover he came in second when TAK won the Classic and he has been dying for a trophy of his own.  If it becomes a bed-fishing event, Dean should be very close to the lead everyday.

Part 2 coming tomorrow.

If you got something to say on my picks let us here about it on our Facebook page.

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