Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bassmaster Elite Dixie Duel Wheeler Lake Day 3 Mid Day Report

By Luigi De Rose

According to the stats on it looks like fishing has been a bit slow. Saturday is a strange day on lakes that have water generation. Electricity demands from industry decrease so water movement through the turbines decreases. For anglers wishing for the current to jump start the bass activity, they might be out of luck. How many hours can you wait on a good spot waiting for it to turn on? Many leave with the hope of better fishing only to miss the peak activity on the place they just left. 

Tournament fishing is a game of decisions and this one is a dicey game.
Here are the unofficial stats from bass at 10am.

PlaceAnglerFishDay ThreeTotal
1Kevin VanDam517-0048-02
2Ott Defoe512-1345-10
3David Walker37-0342-06
4Greg Hackney47-0441-09
5Kelly Jordon512-1339-10
6Timmy Horton36-1237-11
7Skeet Reese24-0037-02
8Randy Howell59-1435-13
9Russ Lane59-0235-11
10Keith Combs48-0834-06
11Bradley Roy21-0634-01
12Brent Chapman59-0634-00
13Casey Ashley59-1133-13
14Travis Manson45-1133-00

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